How it Works

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Why do you
need hiring kits?

Whether you’re a freelancer looking to hire your first team member or an agency looking to scale up, our Hire a Rockstar Kits make it easy to find and hire your next team member. Our hiring kits give you everything you need to hire with confidence.

Know what to look for in applications, use our detailed trial tests to assess their skills, ask specific questions in the interview to see if they are a good fit and then offer them a job and follow the on-boarding checklist.

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Why do you
need hiring kits?

Whether you’re a freelancer looking to hire your first team member or an agency looking to scale up, our Hire a Rockstar Kits make it easy to find and hire your next team member. Our hiring kits give you everything you need to hire with confidence.

Know what to look for in applications, use our detailed trial tests to assess their skills, ask specific questions in the interview to see if they are a good fit and then offer them a job and follow the on-boarding checklist.

Hiring Comparison


  • Time to Hire
  • Pick Country to Hire From
  • Uses Your Tools
  • Works Your Hours
  • # of Your Projects at Once
  • Control of Processes
  • You Set Hours & Pay
  • # of Other Clients
  • Turnaround
  • % of Pay Team Member Receives
  • *Estimated

Hiring Comparison

Time to Hire 1 day* 2-3 weeks* 1-5 days*
Pick Country to Hire From Maybe
Uses Your Tools Mostly Maybe
Works Your Hours Maybe Maybe Maybe
# of Your Projects at Once 4+ 4+ 1 1-2*
Control of Processes Mostly Maybe
You Set Hours & Pay Maybe
# of Other Clients 1 3+* 2+* Many*
Turnaround Immediate 1-2 bus. days Varies
% of Pay Team Member Receives < 60%* 3+* < 80%* 80%

Hire Your New Team Member in < 2 Weeks

Our proven 3-step process will help you quickly and
efficiently reach your new team goals.

Hire Your New Team Member in < 2 Weeks

Our proven 3-step process will help you quickly and efficiently reach your new team goals.

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Group 740

Post Job &
Review Applications

Post a job description and direct candidates to

your application. Receive dozens of applications

within 24-48 hours.

christina-wocintechchat-com-7PHq2BCa7dM-unsplash 1
Group 741

Offer Best Candidates
Paid Test

Review applications and offer best candidates
a paid test to examine their skills and narrow down the pool.

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linkedin-sales-solutions-Be5aVKFv9ho-unsplash 1
Group 742

Video Interview &
Offer Job

Conduct a video interview of strongest

candidates, confirm culture fit and offer them a

position and begin onboarding.

stefan-stefancik-5p_7M5MP2Iw-unsplash 1
Group 740

Post Job &
Review Applications

Post a job description and direct candidates to your application. Receive dozens of applications within 24-48 hours.

christina-wocintechchat-com-7PHq2BCa7dM-unsplash 1
Group 741

Offer Best Candidates
Paid Test

Review applications and offer best candidates a paid test to examine their skills and narrow down the pool.

linkedin-sales-solutions-Be5aVKFv9ho-unsplash 1
Group 742

Video Interview &
Offer Job

Conduct a video interview of strongest candidates, confirm culture fit and offer them a position and begin onboarding.


Testimonials and Success Stories